SPQ – Printing technology

Trailblazing in sustainability, efficiency and quality

Sustainable packaging printing with SPQ technology for improved CO2 footprint.
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A maximum print quality, minimum carbon footprint in packaging printing

An improved carbon footprint in package printing

As a leader in innovation and technology in our industry, we are constantly working on the development of sustainable products and services, helping you achieve your sustainability goals. Which is why we are setting sustainability standards not only with our film solutions, but also in sustainable packaging printing: With our innovative SPQ technology (Sustainable Print Quality) in flexographic and gravure printing, among other things, the carbon footprint of package printing can be significantly optimized. SPQ is based on a color palette that enables all print designs to be mapped in a process-stable manner and with a high degree of automation.

A lower number of color changeovers result in a reduction in ink consumption and waste. Moreover, standardized color management leads to a considerable increase in the level of quality.

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First-class print quality with 7C printing - SPQ SÜDPACK
SPQ gravure printing

With the use of SPQ in gravure printing, metallic colors can also be imaged. Thanks to the PUR-based ink system used, the printed films are suitable for pasteurization and sterilization. This means that they can also be used in temperature-sensitive applications such as the packaging of pet food, medical and pharmaceutical products, and cosmetics and drugstore products. 

The use of reusable and durable gravure cylinders for high print run stability in lightweight construction also contributes to saving resources as well as high material efficiency.

  • durable and reusable gravure cylinder
  • use of metallic inks
  • suitable for pasteurization and sterilization


SPQ gravure printing example. Print with a coffee cup.
SPQ flexographic printing

SPQ is regarded as a genuine packaging revolution in flexographic printing and is based on a water-based printing plate system.

The combination of water-based cliché production and a defined color palette results in reduced ink and solvent consumption with optimum print quality. These factors enable the creation of a customized and sustainable packaging solution.

  • water-based printing plate system
  • reduced ink and solvent consumption
  • high print quality


SPQ flexographic printing. Printed film on the printing machine.

LCA study for SPQ

We conducted an LCA study (ISO 14040/44 verified) to compare our two processes within the flexographic printing process: SPQ and the conventional flexographic printing process. The potential environmental impact of the printing process for OPP and PET printing films was evaluated. In terms of sustainability, SPQ has advantages over conventional flexographic printing processes for various print substrates. 

By switching to SPQ, 18% CO2 emissions (for both OPP and PET) can be saved*.
*The ecological footprint varies for different films.


Top print quality

The high register accuracy of SPQ technology forms the basis for premium quality printing with a high level of color consistency. Standardized color management significantly enhances the standard of quality and ensures the stable color conversion of the print data. 
As a result, the printing adjustments and on-site print approval that had once been necessary become obsolete.

  • High register accuracy
  • Maximum color consistency
  • Stable color conversion
CO2 neutral printing with maximum print quality

Enhanced efficiency provided by a set color palette

By using a standardized and consistent color management along the process chain SPQ technology is more flexible than standard printing processes regarding changing the print images.
This enables SPQ to fulfill the increasing diversity of brands and variants, which results in ever smaller batch sizes.
The high level of color consistency makes printing adjustments and on-site print approvals obsolete, contributing to a more efficient use of materials and promoting sustainable resource management.

  • Greater flexibility
  • Less film waste
  • Reduced effort for print approvals


Increased flexibility due to fixed color palette

An improved carbon footprint in package printing

SÜDPACK’s SPQ technology is based on a standardized color space.
This leads to the elimination of spot colors, fewer color changeovers, a reduction in solvent consumption and less film waste.

These factors play a major role in substantially reducing the carbon footprint of our printed films.

  • Reduced consumption of ink and solvents
  • Lower expenditure of energy
  • Less production waste


Sustainable packaging printing with SPQ from SÜDPACK


"100 companies for Resource efficiency" is an initiative of the state government and leading business associations in Baden-Württemberg. It brings companies with exemplary efficiency measures into the public spotlight. With SPQ, SÜDPACK was included in the initiative as one of 100 companies. Thus, the CO2 savings achieved with SPQ in the practical example amount to 0.25 t CO2e for a print run of 20,000 sqm.

Download practical example

User report with GOLDSTEIG

Winner of the German Packaging Award 2021

SÜDPACK’s innovative SPQ technology (Sustainable Print Quality) significantly improves the carbon footprint of package printing – and also impressed the specialist jury of the renowned German Packaging Award in 2021.

In order to achieve its sustainability goals as well as to increase print quality, SÜDPACK has set itself the goal of establishing SPQ as the preferred printing technology wherever possible.

  • Reduced ink and solvent consumption
  • Less
    production waste
  • Lower
    expenditure of energy
Image displays Polygons in Various Shades of Green

Holistically sustainable

Recyclable Pure-Line packaging solutions combined with sustainable SPQ printing technology: Reduce your carbon footprint with our innovative packaging concept.

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